What is NNA-K

A professional body that is constituted by professional nurses whose objectives are to mobilize global knowledge and resources to address local priorities and
needs. To advise the profession through research and evidence-based practice, embracing technology and change to influence health and social policy. We are members of global networks which include ICN, ICM, Regional forums like CNMF, ECSACON, FEAN & Local Networks APSEA We work closely with trade unions and the nursing regulatory body, and employers

What are the benefits of being a member of NNAK

NNA-K provides you with a platform for professional development through the creation of various opportunities in training, research, exchange programs, conference participation, affiliation with international nursing bodies, social welfare, investment, and recognition of your practice as a nurse.

How can I become a member of NNAK

By filling out an application form and submitting it to your HR manager or to the secretariat for members who pay through the Paybill or direct deposit to the NNA-K
official account.
Pay Bill Number is: Business No. 653080
Account No. Your National ID Number

How much should I pay to be a member of NNAK

An ordinary member pays a monthly subscription fee of Kshs 300 monthly or Kshs 3600 renewable annually.

Membership Categories

  1. Ordinary Membership at Kshs 300 per month.
  2. Student Nurse Membership at Kshs 100 per month.
  3. Life Membership
  4. Honorary Membership.